2024 S-2 (current)
2024 S-2 (current) Compare to: - No Earlier Versions - 12-6-2: PRELIMINARY PLAT:A. General: The subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat for presentation to the planning commission. It shall conform with the minimum requirements of the Chandler comprehensive plan and this title, and shall include the land in question, and any adjacent land partially or fully owned or under option by the applicant, notwithstanding that all of said land may never be finally platted.
B. Filing Application With Planning Commission: In order to be included on the agenda of the planning commission, application shall be in compliance with all of the following:
1. Four (4) copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the office of the city clerk not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
2. It shall be unnecessary, unless, as may be otherwise required, to submit with said preliminary plat, or at any time, the restrictive or protective covenants appertaining to said development or subdivision and which are to be filed of record in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln County, Oklahoma.
3. When submitted, material must be in complete and final form as required in this section. Plats failing to meet these requirements by the filing deadline shall not be placed on the planning commission agenda.
C. Contents Of Preliminary Plat: The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale of not more than one hundred feet to the inch (1" = 100'), except where impractical and shall show:
1. The scale, north arrow, and date. 2. The proposed name of the subdivision.3. The name and address of the owner of record, the subdivider, and the registered land surveyor preparing the plat.
4. A key map showing the location of the proposed subdivision referenced to existing or proposed major streets and to government section lines, and including the boundaries and number of acres of the drainage area of which the proposed subdivision is a part.
5. The names, with locations of intersecting boundary lines, of adjoining subdivisions, and the location of the city limits if falling within or immediately adjoining the tract.
6. The land contours with vertical intervals of two feet (2') referenced to a United States geological survey or coast and geodetic survey benchmark or monument.
7. The location of dedicated streets at the point where they adjoin and/or are immediately adjacent; but actual measured distances shall not be required.
8. The location of all existing easements of record, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, power lines, and other surface or subsurface structures within the tract or immediately adjacent thereto, and the location, layout, type, and approximate size of the following structures and utilities:
a. Water mains; b. Sanitary sewer mains, submains and laterals; c. Storm sewers; and d. Street improvements.9. The location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, and the proposed method of disposing of all runoff from the proposed subdivision, and the location and size of all drainage easements relating thereto, whether they be located within or outside of the proposed plat.
10. The length of the boundaries of the tract, measured to the nearest foot, and the proposed location and width of streets, alleys, easements, and setback lines, and the approximate lot dimensions.
11. The classification of every street within or adjacent to the subdivision in accordance with the intended use of the street based on the proposed design. This shall be done by placing the appropriate term, "expressway", "primary thoroughfare", "secondary thoroughfare", "collector", or "minor", in parenthesis, directly on each street.
12. The existing zoning and proposed changes of zoning in the tract and of the property immediately adjacent thereto.
D. Planning Commission Action:1. The planning commission shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the plat within sixty (60) days of the date of its submission by the applicant. If the preliminary plat is disapproved or approved conditionally, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing, a copy of which shall be signed by the planning commission chairman and shall be attached to one copy of the plat and transmitted to the subdivider. Unless stipulation for additional time is agreed to by the subdivider, if no action be taken by the planning commission, at the end of sixty (60) days after submission, the plat shall be deemed to have been approved.
2. The reasons for disapproval or conditional approval shall refer specifically to those parts of the comprehensive plan or specific regulations with which the plat does not conform.
3. On conditionally approving a plat, the planning commission may require submission of a revised preliminary plat.
4. If the plat conforms to all of the standards, or after the applicant and planning commission agree upon any revision which shall be filed with the planning commission on a revised copy, the preliminary plat shall be forwarded to the city council for its review.
E. City Council Action:1. The city council shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the plat within sixty (60) days of the date of its submission by the applicant. If the preliminary plat is disapproved or approved conditionally, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing, a copy of which shall be attached to one copy of the plat and transmitted to the subdivider. Unless stipulation for additional time is agreed to by the subdivider, if no action is taken by the city council at the end of sixty (60) days after submission, the plat shall be deemed to have been approved.
2. The reasons for disapproval or conditional approval shall refer specifically to those parts of the Chandler comprehensive plan or specific regulations with which the plat does not conform.
3. On conditionally approving a plat, the city council may require submission of a revised preliminary plat.
4. If the plat conforms to all of the standards, or after the applicant and city council agree upon any revisions which shall be filed with the city council on a revised copy, the subdivider may proceed with the laying out of streets and roads, the preparation of utility plans and with the preparation of a final plat. (Ord. 1978-10, 10-3-1978)
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